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Year 2023
Name Orca – Paisagem Trânsito
Client Facada Records
Category Music Artwork;

The CD artwork we developed for Orca, released under Facada Records, represents an intricate typographic exploration, unveiling the charm of (sometimes “hidden”) glyphs.

Influenced by Leonor Cabrita’s captivating compositions and Orca’s ethos of collective creativity, the album boasts an array of exceptionally skilled artists. This varied and rich musical landscape is reflected in our artwork.
We engaged with the subtleties of the “Ready” typeface from Plain Form, highlighting the glyphs that typically remain concealed in the font software. This typographic selection enhances the music’s narrative and infuses the visual representation with layers and intricacy.
Then, we add bold colours with bold contrasts.

The cover art was crafted by Maria Severino.

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