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Year 2021 — 2023
Name Rede Pares
Client Rede Pares
Category Communication; Art Direction; Visual Identity;

The visual identity for Rede Pares is built upon a robust graphical foundation, with a focus on infographics that visually communicate the project’s core mission and services. Rede Pares, a collaboration between the ISPA – APPsyCI and community partners, is funded by the EEA Grants and operated by the Comissão para a Cidadania e a Igualdade de Género (CIG). It aims to enhance social justice by improving responses to violence against women. This project incorporates a significant community and academic partnership. It works closely with local associations that support migrant women, older women, and those from rural areas in Portugal and Iceland.

Our design employs vibrant colours that correlate thoughtfully with imagery to convey urgency and a sense of safety and support. These elements are integrated into a website that serves as an informational gateway and a resource hub for the affected women and their communities. Additionally, we developed several printed and digital publications, including the “Manual for Building a Peer Network” and “Programs for the Prevention of Interpersonal Violence,” which are instrumental in spreading knowledge and facilitating community engagement. Another creative output from our design studio was a deck of “Personal Values” cards used within the community to foster discussion and reflection about personal beliefs and behaviours in the context of preventing violence.

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